Follow me in the fight to get my healthy life under control and the fight to get fit!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Another 2 pound week!

Yes! Despite the pizza and hot dog mac & cheese...I managed to lose 2 pounds this week!  That reminds me that it's ok to have bad days and it's ok to eat what I want! In moteration of course!

Here is my weekly weigh in to prove it!

I am SO close to hitting the 40 pounds mark...I still am in awe with myself. I can't believe I have come this far! For once, I had made MYSELF my priority.  I can't believe all the support I have out there too.  I have a huge team rooting for me and I wish I could tell you all how much you mean to me.  You all really help me keep going!

I am off to bed early so not much else to share tonight.  I came down with a stupid cold and cough so bed is really calling my name! Ill leave you with this...(from SHAPE mag)

Have a healthy Wednesday!

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